
"Sejelek-jeleknya tulisan/catatan/postingan, adalah sebaik-baiknya ingatan. "(anonim).

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Awas Penyusup Rekening LR

Baru saja Gue dapat konfirmasi lewat email isinya begini :

Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
Never send you any attached files.

Dear Customer,

We detected irregular activities on your Libertyreserve account. Your Liberty Reserve account has been temporarily suspended for your protection,
you must verify this activity before you can continue using your Libertyreserve account.

To restore your account and verify your account activity, Kindly click on the secure link below :


Security advice : Always log-off completely your Liberty Reserve account after using internet Libertyreserve account from a public places or computer for security reasons.

Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail.

For information and support please use our contact form in the help
section of our web site

Thank you


Lalu Gue cek website http://wezatele.com/
Lho kok aneh....
Lalu saya cek dulu  Rekening LR. Dan nyatanya juga belum di blokir

Wah .....ini tanda-tanda tak beres. Ulah mau menipu......mau jadi Mualiiing
Untung  waspada, dicek  kebenarannya....

Dunia Maya ini juga penuh dengan Jebakan dan Virus-virus...
jadi harus bisa berjaga-jaga diri

Secara resminya pihak LR akan mengirim verifikasi pin lewat email
Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
1. Always address you by your first name.
2. Never send you any links or attached files.
3. Never ask you to send us your password and/or login PIN.
Sebelumnya, karena link pada  email saya saya klik; Entah kenapa Plugin LibertyGuard di Firefox tidak jalan. Untung tidak saya isikan data-data account LR dan Paswordnya......
Eh di lain waktu saya coba buka linknya langsung di browser ternyata bisa dicekal oleh Si Lib..Guard.